Optional quests also exist but are few and far between, generally providing pointers towards uncovering a particular secret or cache of items. You're directed through the game with a very simple questing machanic, aided by a directional arrow which paints the ground when you wish it to.

In terms of basic game mechanics there’s nothing new under the sun. The in-game menu provides a quick summary of the current quest
Creating a new game in any difficulty will wipe all previous progress too, so if you're playing on a shared PC you might want to take it in turns. This should allow you to return to a point where you can stock up on health/ammunition with some foreknowledge of the tricky encounters to come, but not enough to Mulligan upgrades. When loading a game we were given access to the previous five checkpoints, generally amounting to around 60 minutes of gameplay. Quickload/quicksave also undermines difficulty, a factor that we’re sure Irrational had in mind when they made the decision to disallow them, but it does mean that you can autosave just before a big battle without the proper weapons equipped or ammo recharged, leading to an insurmountably difficult encounter. This will in many respects be the biggest bugbear for PC gamers, but as a consequence gameplay tends to flow naturally without the need for save points or frequent quick-saves. The other is gameplay, and as a first person shooter we already have preconceived notions of what to expect from the get-go, so lets explore how reasonable those notions are.įirst off lets acknowledge that there are no save slots and every save that the game performs happens at automatic points throughout. So, we’ve noted that Bioshock Infinite is an amazing looking game with outstanding art direction and plenty of graphic options to tailor to your system, but that’s only one face of the video game coin.